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Special Needs Adoption

Updated: May 16, 2023

Due to not having a dad and not really having a mom because of her severe mental illness, I longed for that guidance, love, support, training, security, etc. While many people stepped in at various times and have been truly blessings from God, there was still so much missing that many take for granted.

This created a hunger in me to save other children from feeling the way I did and going through what I went through. I knew that one day I would adopt, but had no idea what that would actually look like.

My first adoption was of a baby girl born with her organs on the outside of her body, a feeding tube, paralysis, colostomy bag, catheterizations (which came later), so many hospital visits, meds, a missing kidney, scoliosis, a VP shunt, etc. I had no idea what I was doing, but just knew the Lord was telling me, “You are her mom.” Thanks to the training of her amazing temporary foster parents (Linda and Walt) and them telling me they knew I was the one for her, I learned what I needed to. After 2 weeks of hauling my other children, food, and our homeschool curriculum to their house that was about an hour away for them to train me, I was ready to bring her home. This amazing lady is now 20, loves the Lord, takes college classes, and still amazes the doctors she sees with how well she is doing.

My next adoption was about 6 years later. I found her online through a Christian adoption agency and knew the moment I saw her precious face and read of her disabilities, that the Lord had chosen me to go rescue her. She had some of the same health issues, but not as severe. She also has severe allergies and asthma. I spent months doing paperwork, pleading in prayer, selling things, and fulfilling all the things to make an international adoption of a baby with special needs happen! I was blessed to have some wonderful people to donate and help raise money to make that happen. 9 months after finding her, I packed, loaded up, and took my other 3 children (including the one I had previously adopted) to Hong Kong to get my baby girl. Before I could take her, I had to perform medical procedures on her that made others leave the room or have to sit down due to not being able to handle watching. I heard the Lord whisper to me that I had to do it- for her. So I blocked out all of my discomforts and fears and did what needed to be done to get her home. Now, this sweet ‘baby’ is a teenager, full of energy, spunk, and life. She is doing well in every area and I have no doubt she will impact the world.

As the starfish story goes, I may not be able to save them all, but through Him, “I can save this one!” Or in my case two! I guess you could say my mission is to take what the enemy intended for evil and use it for good. And because of Him, I can!

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

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